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Orion SkyQuest XT8 Intelliscope Review: Recommended Scope

Tested by

Score Breakdown

Optics: 5/5

Focuser: 4/5

Mount: 4/5

Moon & Planets: 5/5

Rich Field: 5/5

Accessories: 4/5

Ease of use: 4/5

Portability: 3/5

Value: 3.5/5

Read our scoring methodology here

I purchased the Orion SkyQuest XT8 Intelliscope in September 2015. Let me say up front that I love and highly recommend the Orion SkyQuest XT8i. It has become my main scope for all targets. Of my four telescopes, the XT8 Intelliscope is my first choice when I head out the door for an observing session.

This telescope has an 8” aperture, which gathers a lot of light. Compared to the typical 80 mm starter refractor, this gathers 6.4 times as much light. This means I can see a LOT more up there and I see it in more detail. And all that light gathering allows me to magnify the image to higher levels than my 80 mm refractors or my 127 mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescopes.

Orion SkyQuest XT8i with Laser pointer attached temporarily

How It Stacks Up

Ranks #6 of 37 ~$800 Telescopes





Orion SkyQuest XT8i


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Best Similar Featured Alternative: Apertura AD8 Dobsonian is the best 8" dobsonian ever, but if you're adamant on getting a partially computerized 10" dobsonian, Celestron StarSense Explorer 8” Dobsonian is a better choice.

What We Like

  • Great optics with good performance typical of any 8” Dobsonian
  • Lightweight base improves portability
  • Intelliscope Digital Object Locator assists in finding objects

What We Don't Like

  • Balance issues may come up with heavier accessories
  • IntelliScope interface is outdated and encoder hardware it uses is fragile
  • Single-speed focuser and relatively basic features/accessories besides Intelliscope
Recommended Product Badge

To summarise my review of XT8 Intelliscope, I consider it a very good value telescope. I have enjoyed it for over three years and expect it will be my main scope for many years to come. The simplicity of use would also make it suitable for a teen. You don’t have to know a lot about the sky to get started and the scope will let you use it manually when you like. Just take into consideration the size and weight. But if you can keep it at ground level and move it with a cart of a hand truck, the size and weight become much less of an issue.

Orion’s SkyQuest Series

The XT8 Intelliscope, or XT8i, is part of Orion’s extensive SkyQuest line of floor-standing Dobsonian telescopes. These are Newtonian reflector optical tube assemblies that range from the SkyQuest XT4.5 to the SkyQuest XX16G.

Assembly Of XT8i

The package arrives in two boxes. I am not going to go through the assembly, but if you can handle basic hand tools, you will have no trouble putting the scope together. Most of the assembly is in the mount. The optical tube comes fully assembled.

8" Newtonian Optical tube used for XT8i
8″ Newtonian optical tube that Orion supplies for the XT8i telescope

Orion has created a very nice video assembly guide for the XT Intelliscope series and it is valid for the XT8i as well.

The Superior Stability of the Dobsonian Mount

Skyquest XT8i mount
The ever-popular Dobsonian base that comes with the XT8i.

The key value the Dobsonian-style mount brings to amateur astronomy is its extremely stable and easy-to-use design. The stability of the mount is very important.

Unfortunately, many entry-level and even intermediate telescope packages come with mounts that wobble and shake when you touch them to focus. With such telescopes, even if there is a light breeze, the image shakes all over the place.

My friend has an 8” GoTo non-Dobsonian scope from a different brand. It is tripod-based. It is a very nice package but every time we focus, the image shakes like crazy for a couple of seconds. And if we are in a breeze, we can see that in the eyepiece. Once it settles down, it is a great scope, but I have none of this in the XT8i. This is especially important when you are viewing at higher magnifications.

Size & Weight: How I Move the Scope

The size of the XT8 Intelliscope impresses many first-time telescope buyers. Some are also concerned by the size.

I can easily lift the entire 42-pound package and carry it, but that would be awkward for me on stairs and I would not want to carry it a long distance. Following is how I handle that.

  1. Fortunately, the 20-pound optical tube easily lifts off the base with the removal of the two caps on the end. If 20 pounds is comfortable for you, this makes it easier to take it up and down stairs. Some people add strap handles to the optical tube to make this even easier.
  2. Then you move the 21-pound base separately.
  3. If you put your eyepieces and other accessories in a shoulder bag or backpack, you could move the whole thing in two trips.

However, I do not keep my XT8i in the house. I store mine in my unheated, well-ventilated garage. Not only does this eliminate stairs but the scope is always near the ambient temperature. A dry, well-ventilated shed would do just as well.

With any mirror-based telescope, including SCTs and MCTs, the scope works best when the mirror has reached the same temperature as the surroundings. This is often referred to as the “cool-down” period. By storing mine outside, I eliminate this cool-down period.

As you can see in the photo, mine sits on a cart, fully assembled, ready to be rolled down the driveway to my observing area on my front sidewalk.

XT8i on a cart
My SkyQuest XT8i on a cart that I use for easy transport.

This would work well for larger scopes in the Orion SkyQuest line as well. I have my eye on the XX12i as my next upgrade and it will go in the garage on this cart. Some people use a padded hand truck for the same purpose. It just makes it so easy to move.

I place my observing chair on the cart with the scope, grab a bucket that has my eyepieces and other accessories and off I go. When I get to my observing spot on the sidewalk, I lift the scope off the cart and place it on the ground. If I were moving the scope across dirt, grass, or uneven ground, I would likely use a hand truck rather than this flat cart.

Once at my observing site, I set up my chair, insert my eyepiece, and am ready to go in a matter of minutes. This makes the XT8i as quick to move and set up as my much smaller and lighter 80-mm telescopes.

But even if you have to store your XT8i in the house, as long as 21 pounds is a comfortable weight for you, you will find the XT8i quick and easy to move and set-up. Just plan your trips and you will be viewing in no time.

Transporting the Scope In My Car

I live in a very light-polluted area, so taking my XT8i to darker, remote observing sites is important to me. The XT8i goes right in the back of my SUV, fully assembled, with one side of the back seat down. That leaves room for additional equipment like my observing chair, eyepieces and other equipment. I can even fit two of my friends for a fun evening of observing at a darker location.

If you drive a standard car, the optical tube is about 48 inches long and will fit nicely across the back seat of most cars. You then put the mount in the passenger seat or in the trunk along with your other accessories. Note that the Orion XT 10 Intelliscope tube is the same length so if you want to go up a size, that fits well in most cars too.

Reviewing Intelliscope Features

The Intelliscope object locator handset plugs into a port on the side of the mount. Unlike many GoTo mounts, there is no need for an external power supply. The handset uses a simple 9V battery. The battery lasts a long time, but I keep a spare in my accessory kit, just in case I need it.

The buttons are large so they can be manipulated with gloves. They have a nice soft covering on them so they are comfortable to use. The keys are backlighted so you can see them at night, but the handset is not so bright as to be a problem for your dark-adapted eyes. You can adjust the backlighting level to suit your location.

The Two-star Alignment Process

In order for the Intelliscope to help you find your targets, it first needs to know where it is on the planet. To accomplish this, you do a simple two-star alignment. This only takes a couple of minutes once you have done it a few times.

To do the alignment, you put the optical tube vertical. There is a stop in the mount that you adjust during assembly which sets this vertical position. It is not required for the base to be absolutely level, just get it close. I use mine on the front sidewalk which is not level.

You then turn on the handset. You will use two bright stars as your alignment stars. So, of the entire sky, you only need to know two stars. As the months go by and the sky moves you can change the stars you use for alignment, but during any one season, two is all you need to know. And, over time, you will learn a lot more than two stars in the sky.

If you can see Polaris, the North Star, then you only need one other star for alignment. The manual offers suggestions and the hand controller provides a list of bright alignment stars so this is really pretty easy.

You set the tube vertical to the mount, turn on the handset and then move the tube so that the first star is centered in the eyepiece, and hit enter. It asks for your second star. You put the second alignment star in the center of the eyepiece and hit enter.

At this point, the mount is aligned and knows where all the stars, planets and deep sky objects are in the sky. You put in the one you want to see, out of the thousands included in the database, and the handset will guide you to the target.

The Tour Feature

The XT8i also has a cool tour feature that will take you on a tour of the best objects in the sky tonight. If you don’t know what you want to look a, just take the tour.

There are over 14,000 objects cataloged in the Intelliscope hand controller. In your lifetime you will only get to see a fraction of them. The Intelliscope will be showing you the sights for years.

Orion offers a nice overview video of how the Intelliscope works. And, yes, it really is this easy.

Included Accessories

  • Eyepieces

The package includes two Plossl eyepieces, a 10 mm and a 25 mm. These are very good quality eyepieces and produce excellent views. I have used other Orion Plossl eyepieces, and they are all good. Over time you will wish to expand your eyepiece collection, but these first two give you an excellent start.

The 25 mm will give you 48X and works well as your low power eyepiece. It provides a field of view of approximately 1 degree which is about the width of two moons set side by side. This works well for open clusters, the Moon, and nebula that work best at low power.

The 10 mm eyepiece will give you 120X, which will work well for the Moon, planets, globular clusters, splitting medium double stars and nebula that may require higher power.

  • Eyepiece Rack

There is an included eyepiece rack. This has 3 holes for 1.25” eyepieces and one for a 2” eyepiece. This comes in very handy. At the start of my observing session, I will typically put out the eyepieces I plan to use that evening so I can move from one to another easily and quickly.

  • 2″ Crayford Focuser

The 2” Crayford type focuser gives you the flexibility of using 2” and 1.25” eyepieces, which is very valuable for a scope of this aperture. The focuser is smooth and easy to use, even when I put in large, heavy 2” eyepieces.

The focuser comes with a 2” to 1.25” adapter. Over time many people will add one or two 2” eyepieces for low power wide views, but the rest of the eyepiece set will usually be 1.25”.

  • RACI Finderscope

The package includes a very nice 9X50 right angle correct image, RACI, finder scope which I like very much. The right angle works very well with the position of the focuser so I can be seated, viewing and move easily from the eyepiece to the finder and back. This works like half of a binocular so as you move the scope stars in the field of view move in the correct direction.

Because I live in a very light polluted area, there are not a lot of stars that are naked eye visible in my sky. As a result, I find most red dot finders, which are much less expensive, to be less than useful for star hoping to find my targets. But this RACI finder works very well for this purpose.

You may wonder why I mention star hopping when I have a computer-assisted scope. The XT8 Intelliscope offers a key advantage over many GoTo scopes. It allows you to use the mount with or without using the Intelliscope feature. It is like GPS in your car.

If you want to try your hand at star hopping as part of your learning process, the RACI finder will be very helpful, especially if you have a light of light pollution in your observing location. So you have both a computer-assisted and a manual scope according to your wishes that night.

Like the GPS in my car, I don’t use the Intelliscope every night. If I want to view the Moon or planets, I can find them naked eye. I don’t need help to find them. However, if I want to work a list of star clusters or double stars I can fire up the Intelliscope and have a very productive evening of stargazing without the work of trying to find them in my very light polluted sky.

Collimation Of XT8 Intelliscope

Collimation is part of the routine maintenance you will do with your telescope. It is quick and easy, so there is nothing to be concerned about. And Orion includes the tools to do it. Many other telescope makers do not include these essential tools.

Orion provides a collimation cap and the hex wrench needed for the job. This is a great tool for checking the alignment or collimation of the scope. Like checking the air in your tires, you should periodically check to see that the mirrors are properly aligned. Some people say you should do this every time you use a Newtonian scope but I have found the XT8i holds collimation extremely well. I typically check it about every 10 uses.

There are other, more expensive tools on the market that you may wish to explore over time, but the included collimation cap gets the job done.

Note that the XT8i comes collimated from the factory so you should be in good shape when it arrives. That is a good time to learn how to do your collimation because it should be very close right out of the box. The bumps and bounces of shipping may have shifted things a hair, but it should be close so don’t feel like you are going to have to make major adjustments. If it looks good, it probably is. Likely, you will have to make no adjustments at all.

Should I buy a Used Orion SkyQuest XT8i?

A used XT8i can be a great scope. But you should be sure that it comes with the IntelliScope hand controller, as replacing it is usually costly and may not even be possible if Orion is having stock issues.

The encoders attached to the telescope’s base are also rather fragile, and any damage to the particle board base assembly will ruin their ability to accurately indicate the position of the telescope (rebuilding the base accurately enough is not realistically possible).

Additionally, as with any used reflector, you should make sure that the mirrors are clean and free of corrosion; recoating them at this size is likely to cost you more than whatever you save by buying a used unit.

Alternative Recommendations

The Orion SkyQuest XT8i is one of our top picks in its price range and certainly one of the best computerized options for an 8” Dob. However, you may want something else with different capabilities or features. Here are a few of our favorites:

Under $600

  • The Sky-Watcher Virtuoso GTi 150P isn’t quite as capable as the XT8i with only 6” of aperture, but it features full motorized tracking and GoTo capabilities, an ultra-wide field enabled by its short 750mm focal length, and seamless manual aiming thanks to its FreedomFind encoders. A 130mm version, the Virtuoso GTi 130P, is also available.


  • The Apertura AD8/Zhumell Z8/Orion SkyLine 8 offers a high-quality set of accessories and a dual-speed focuser at a rock-bottom price tag with the same 8” of aperture as the XT8i. However, it is quite a bit heavier than the XT8i and many other 8” Dobsonians.
  • The Celestron StarSense Explorer 8” Dobsonian offers computer-aided pointing much like the Orion XT8i but uses your smartphone and doesn’t have any star alignment process or hardware encoders to worry about. It’s got the same lightweight, optimized base as the XT8i and more or less identical accessories too.
  • The Explore Scientific 10” Hybrid Dobsonian offers quite a bit of aperture for the money and its truss tube makes it extremely compact and portable when dismantled. 


  • The Apertura AD10/Zhumell Z10/Orion SkyLine 10 offers greater light-gathering and resolving power than the XT8i while remaining similar in physical size (albeit heavier) and including a variety of high-quality features and accessories the XT8i lacks.
  • The Celestron StarSense Explorer 10” Dobsonian features a lightweight base much like the XT8i and is not much wider or taller, taking up a similar amount of space when stored. Its 10” of aperture and StarSense Explorer technology allow you to see a lot more with even less effort in setting up and aiming the telescope around the sky.
  • The Celestron NexStar 6SE doesn’t provide as much aperture as other offerings, but its fully motorized tracking and GoTo are nice conveniences, while the rugged Schmidt-Cassegrain design fits a lot of focal length into a tiny tube, and the separate tripod assembly makes this scope ideal for travel, especially in tight spaces.

Enjoying the Night Sky with the Orion SkyQuest XT8 Intelliscope?

The more aperture you have, the more you can see, and the 8” (203 mm) aperture of the XT8i really pulls in the light.

Planets look great. I have viewed Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn on many occasions. During this past summer, there was a time when Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were all in the night sky at the same time. That was wonderful.

Mercury is so small that it looks like a star. You can only view it just after sunset or just before sunrise, depending on its position in its orbit around the Sun. Be very cautious because you don’t want to accidentally catch the sun in the scope without a solar filter, as it could damage your eye.

Venus is covered in clouds so you can’t see much in detail but you can see phases. Venus goes through phases similar to the moon.

I have seen Jupiter’s cloud bands and Jupiter’s great red spot. The four Galilean moons look like stars. They move so quickly that you can actually see them change position over a 2-3 hour observing session. And they will be in different positions every night. You can easily see the cloud bands and, on a clear, calm night, you can see surprising detail.

Saturn is the rock star of the planets. And there is little that is more spectacular than the rings of Saturn. I never get tired of Saturn. On a clear night, you can see cloud bands on Saturn too. The XT8i has enough aperture to let you see some of the moons as well, even though they are approximately 750 million miles away.

Imagine looking at Uranus and Neptune, which are 1.7 and 2.7 billion miles away. The light you see in the eyepiece when looking at Neptune had to travel over 5 billion miles to reach you.

Even from my light-polluted home location, there are so many beautiful open star clusters. Some of my favorites are the Pleiades, the Hyades, and the Double Cluster. Many telescopes have trouble fitting these large clusters into the field of view. However, the 2” focuser of the XT8i allows me to use wide view eyepieces. My 38 mm 2” eyepiece presents a field of view of 2.2 degrees, which is large enough to present these clusters in whole. This would be difficult with other types of 8” scopes that have long focal lengths and only use 1.25” eyepieces.

Among deep space objects, I think my favorite are the globular clusters. These are clusters of stars that are so tightly packed that they look like a bright ball. But as you crank up the magnification, the XT8i will let you resolve the shape of the cluster and individual stars. One of my favorites is Messier 92, which is a globular cluster in the constellation of Hercules. To me, it looks like a rose petal impression, as the individual stars that I could resolve seemed to create waving streaks across the cluster at 180X. Imagine a white rose, fully opened. Now imagine spots of dew lining the edges of the petals, lit from behind so they seem to glow. That is what it looked like to me in the eyepiece of my XT8i.

Some of the large nebulae also require a very wide field of view. So, be sure to plan to take advantage of the XT8i’s 2” focuser. Add at least one and preferably two 2” wide-view eyepieces to your set. I have a 38 mm and a 20 mm 2” wide view and I use them a lot.

If you compare this to the typical F10 SCT that comes with a 1.25” diagonal, they are limited to about 1-degree FOV. To try to see wider targets with these scopes, you would have to add expensive extra optics or visual backs to accept 2” eyepieces. But the XT8i does this standard.

The Orion Nebula and the Ring Nebula look great in the XT8i, even from my light polluted suburban location. The Intelliscope has no problem finding them.

The XT8i is great for splitting double stars, which appear to be a single star but are actually two stars that are very close together. If you use a zoom eyepiece, as I do, you can actually watch them split. Some good examples are Albireo, Mizar, and Alcor, which are easy low-power doubles. Even with the 25 mm and 10 mm eyepieces that come with the XT8i, you can split a lot of doubles. If you add a 2X Barlow, you can split the Double Double in Lyra, near the bright star Vega, which requires over 200X to get a clean split.

The Orion Nebula is one of the real showcase nebulae. When I am at a public outreach event at the Custer Observatory, operating the 14” telescope, I often target the Orion Nebula for the public. The Trapezium is a four-star group in the center of the nebula; they are designated A to D. These can be seen even in my 80 mm refractors. But the XT8i allows me to see the elusive E and F stars too.

And don’t overlook the Moon. I have observed the Moon at over 400X with the XT8i on a really clear night. I like to visit the Apollo landing sites. I study large craters and mountains on the moon, some of which extend out into space along the edge. There is still so much to enjoy on the Moon and the XT8i has done a great job of showing me the sights.

Taking Advantage of the Computer Assisted System

A lot of telescopes end up in the closet because people lose interest. They can’t find much beyond the Moon and the bright planets. But with the XT8 Intelliscope, you have the equivalent of a GPS on your scope. Just punch in what you want to see and the scope guides you to the target. This can be especially valuable in a very light polluted area where there are few stars in the sky.

The system is so easy to use. If you use a GPS in your car, home computer apps or phone apps, you will find setting up the XT8i very simple. Members of my club were quite impressed as to how easy it was to use.

If I wanted to find the globular M92 that I mentioned earlier, using the handset, I would select the Messier catalog and enter 92. The XT8i would then show me which direction to turn the scope. Once at the proper compass position I would then follow the arrow on the handset to raise or lower the tube to get the target centered in the eyepiece. And there would be Messier 92, this beautiful globular cluster in my eyepiece. Now I would just change from a low power to a high power eyepiece to bring out the wonder of the cluster.

And there are thousands of wonderful targets in the Messier and New General Catalogue that can be seen with the XT8i. The Messier Catalogue alone includes over 100 clusters, galaxies, nebula, and other objects, all of which can be seen with the XT8i.

Possible Tool Set Upgrades

Overtime you will want to add to your tool set. Here are a few ideas.

Eyepieces: The number one upgrade you will want will be to expand your magnification options through added eyepieces or Barlow lenses. The included eyepieces provide 48X and 120X but the scope can handle much more.

Since the XT8i has a 2” focuser to you can use 1.25” and 2” industry standard eyepieces and other visual accessories. I keep adding new ones to bring out the detail in the things that I view. I have a set of colored filters specifically for planets. These can highlight the bands of Saturn and Jupiter and help you see the shadings of the surface of Mars.

My standard eyepiece set now includes two 2” eyepieces for low power wide views. I have added 4 more 1.25” eyepieces. I have a 2X and a 2.5X Barlow. This gives me a magnification range from 31X to 220X without the Barlow lenses. With the use of a Barlow, I can test the image all the way to 545X.

Most of the time atmosphere limits me to about 240X or less. But on those special nights, when the atmosphere is exceptionally clear and calm I have the tools to test higher magnifications. Jupiter looks amazing at 300X and I have viewed the moon at over 400X with the XT8i.

My favorite eyepiece in my XT8i an 8-24 mm zoom eyepiece that works like the zoom lens on a camera. In fact, I have two zoom eyepieces, one from Celestron and one from Baader Hyperion. I like them both but the Baader Hyperion 8-24 Clickstop zoom is clearly superior.

If there were one thing I would change about the XT8i package, and this would be a minor point, is that it would be nice to have a two-speed focuser. I have used these in other scopes. But, to be honest, I don’t feel at all limited by the standard focuser. It does a great job even with my big heavy eyepieces.


You can take snapshots and short videos through the eyepiece, but this is not a package that would be optimal for someone who wanted to get into imaging. The Orion SkyQuest XTG or XXG GoTo series would be more suitable for video imaging. Once captured you run the captured video through a computer program to stack the frames. You can do some of that with the XT8i, but the G would be a better choice.

As I have learned, over time people tend to have more than one scope. I have four. This is my “light bucket”, my large scope. This is the one I use 75% of the time. But I don’t take it on vacation as it takes too much room in the car. For that, I use my smaller scopes.

If you are looking for a first scope or looking for an upgrade from a smaller scope this is an excellent choice. This can find things for you in the sky for you.

A Few Additional Tips

Many people like to use a Moon filter because it is so bright. I often use one. There are many types, which are rated by the percentage of light they transmit. With the XT8i, I prefer a 25% filter. Many will recommend a 13% filter for an 8” scope but I prefer the 25%.

The best time to view the moon is when it is NOT full. As the Moon goes from new, total dark, to the first quarter, the dark line moves across the surface night after night. That is where you get deep shadows and lots of contrast. And don’t forget to look along the edge to see the mountains that extend out into space.

Remember that the Moon is also a source of light pollution. The light from the Moon reduces the contrast between the sky and deep sky objects. They will look better when the Moon is not in the sky.

If you are observing from a very light polluted area, focus your observing time there on bright targets such as the Moon, planets, open star clusters, and double stars as well as some bright nebula and globular clusters. Save the nebula, galaxies and some of the dimmer globular clusters for when you can visit a darker site. This has nothing to do with limitations of the XT8i. It is due to the lack of contrast between the target and the sky. This is why you don’t see stars during the day, the Sun washes them out.

The XT8i will help you find anything but the contrast with the light polluted sky can make galaxies, most nebula and dimmer globular clusters seem very washed out or even impossible to see. This has nothing to do with the scope. Save those for occasions when you can get to a darker area.

My best viewing direction is northeast to southeast. This is the darkest part of my sky so I focus my observing there. Try to spend the majority of your observing time in the darkest part of your sky. Remember that the new targets will appear from the East and move across the sky to the West, so wait for them to come into your best viewing area.

13 thoughts on “Orion SkyQuest XT8 Intelliscope Review: Recommended Scope”

  1. Hello Ed,

    I was leaning strongly on getting the Celestron 9.25 CGX as my first scope. After corresponding with Zane, his input has now got me leaning toward the 10″ Orion Intelliscope, instead.
    I’d mainly be looking at DSO’s and would not be into astrophotography at this early stage.
    Do you have any input as to the pluses and minuses of these two scopes that might help me decide?
    Also, if I do end up purchasing the DOB, what accessories do you recommend for it, including eyepieces. This is very exciting for me. I have a lifelong love of astronomy and at 67, am finally taking the plunge. Thanks so much, Steve

  2. Celestron 9.25 CGX vs. Orion XT10i? Wow, these are really far apart in the nature of the scopes. SCT vs. Newtonian, GoTo tracking vs. manual tracking, Equitorial vs. AltAz. We could do a Ted talk on a comparison of these two scopes. And let’s not forget the cost difference of around $3000. I presume cost is not a concern.

    This article may be helpful. How Much Does a First Telescope Cost?

    Aperture wise the XT10i has about a 16% advantage, but not enough to make a huge difference.

    XT10i will help you find your targets but will not track them where the CGX will. That means that the XT10i is not suitable for any form of AP or most forms of imaging. The CGX mount is well suited for AP and Imaging and will take other optical tubes.

    A big factor will be where you will store it, where you will use it and how you will transport it. While the XT10i is about 56 pounds, you move it in two 28 pound pieces and you don’t lift anything above your waist. I have a 12″ Dob that is almost 100 pounds all up but I move it with a hand truck which makes it super easy to handle.

    The CGX requires you to lift a 22 pound OTA/finder to mid-chest height and slide it into a dovetail. Will that be easy for you? And you have to deal with counterweights and polar alignment. Neither are hard to handle, just points of consideration.

    Both are large scopes and both will fit in most cars.

    Certainly, the XT10i will leave a lot more money for accessories.

    I owned an XT8 Intelliscope and enjoyed it very much. I could use it with computer assist or manually which let me explore multiple ways of finding things. I sold it when I went to my 12″ Dob, but I always enjoyed it and often recommend the Intelliscope series.

    Understanding Telescope Eyepieces- There are recommendations, based on budget,
    but the meat of the article is about understanding the considerations and specifications to know when selecting eyepieces.

    With the XT10i I would recommend a 35 to 40 mm and a 20 to 25 mm 2″ Wide view eyepiece. I have the Orion Q70 38 mm and a Meade UWA 20 mm as my two low power wide view eyepieces. I use them a lot for finding targets and for observing large, low power targets like groups of galaxies and large nebula.

    I have built a set of 82 degree Explore Scientific 82s and Meade 5000 UWA eyepieces from 20 mm to 4.7 mm. However, my most used 1.25″ eyepiece is my Baader Hyperion 8-24 zoom.

    Accessories to add to your Telescope

    I hope this has been helpful. Zane knows more about the CGX series than I do. My path has been more along the Dob series for their outstanding price/performance.

  3. Thanks, Ed. This was very helpful. I”ll ponder all of this for awhile and then make a move.

    Be well,

  4. Hello Ed
    I am looking for a scope with an aperture similar to this scope but which I can use for astrophotography.
    Would you recommend this one or is there any other better option? My budget matches the Xt8 cost.


    • Thanks for the note Vivek.

      No, I would not recommend this scope for AP. You want a tracking mount for AP and the XT8 and XT8i mount does not track, it is not motorized. You can certainly take snapshots through the eyepiece or do a few very brief exposures using video and then stacking the frames using an XT8i, but I would never consider it a good choice for astrophotography. That would be like buying a Mustang to haul lumber. It is the wrong tool for the job.

      AP is a very different task than visual astronomy and so the equipment requirements are also quite different. Cameras can accumulate light over time so they don’t need the big aperture that our eyes benefit from. What AP needs is a mount that tracks accurately. So AP is all about the mount and accurate tracking. Once you have picked the mount, then you consider what optical tube you want to put on it.

      You can get started with a tracking or GoTo AltAz mount, but if AP is your goal you want a tracking or GoTo equatorial mount that is sized to handle the optical tube and the camera equipment, typically targeting about 50% of the rated weight capacity of the mount.

      Let me offer these articles that were written by my associate, Zane. They will help you understand what you need for AP.

      In terms of budget. If we think of spending $ for visual astronomy, plan to spend $$$ if you are seriously going to get into AP. Then add the camera equipment.

      The Orion XT8 and XT8i are great visual scopes, but I would not recommend them for anyone who is focused on AP.

  5. Hi Ed,
    Any update on your thoughts related to the XT8i since you wrote this 2 years ago?
    Is it still your first choice when you head out the door for ab observing session?

    • It would be if I still had it. I upgraded to an Apertura AD12. The XT8i now has a new home with my friend. I have helped him learn to use it both with and without the Intelliscope.

      I still recommend the XT8i often to people looking for an excellent first scope of this size who also want the option for computer assist with finding their targets. I consider it a great value.

    • PushTo is a general term that refers to computer assistance in locating targets using a mount that is not motorized. The computer directs you to the target but you Push the scope To the proper position.

      Intelliscope is Orion’s Brand name for its PushTo system. There are many others. Celestron has the StarSense Explorer line, for example. Then there are various third party add-on systems. You might find this article helpful.

      Computer Controlled Telescopes

  6. Hey, Ed! I’m moving up from a rusty Tasco 4.5 inch reflector, and I’m currently split between the XT8i and the Apertura AD8. Which would you suggest for a more novice astronomer?

    • Easy answer. Both are excellent scopes. However the XT8i will help you find your targets and the AD8 won’t.

      If you are a talented star hopper and can easily find your targets, then both scopes will do a good job for you. If, on the other hand, you would like help finding your targets the XT8i is the clear choice.

      I had an XT8i for several years and LOVED it. The Intelliscope does a great job finding targets. It will also let you practice your star hopping without using the object locator, so you can use it both ways.

      I currently own the AD12 so I know this family of scopes. Nothing but good things to say, but it won’t help you find your targets.

      So, do you want help or not? That is your decision point. I would probably point you to the XT8i for its flexibility.

  7. Hi Ed!
    Just finished reading your review since I’m looking to make my first telescope purchase. You provide a lot of good information without getting so technical that a person new to the topic can’t follow or understand.
    I was initially looking at the Orion “table-top” class of Newtonian until I read your review. I can see benefit in the larger size and weight of the XT8i that I’ll likely stay away from the smaller size of telescope. I think I’d eventually like to try astrophotography, and based on your opinions and reasoning that will require an additional purchase, but for a starter that will let me see DSO and learn the night sky (with help) this sounds like a great first pick.
    Who knew that at almost 70 years old I’d find another hobby to “throw money at”.



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