The Virtuoso GTi 130P includes a pair of great eyepieces, a collimation tool, and also features a collapsible tube that allows it to fit into a smaller space. The
Virtuoso GTi 130P also has computerized tracking (GoTo) functionality that doesn't hinder the ability to move the telescope manually if you want to—even when the GoTo system is powered on and aligned. But we think that the usefulness of the 'computerized' feature with a wide-field and relatively small instrument like the GTi 130P is questionable, especially when its larger aperture version, the
Virtuoso GTi 150P, is only a bit more expensive. You can't see much of the deep sky objects with a small aperture, wide-field telescope, even if there is a computerized system there to help you find them. The manual 130mm version, Heritage 130P, that we've ranked just below might be a better bargain if you want to save some money.