Optical Tubes

Sky-Watcher Evostar 72 APO Review: Recommended OTA
The Sky-Watcher Evostar 72ED isn’t the best small ED refractor available, but it’s certainly well-designed mechanically and has functional enough optics for astrophotographers to make use of it.

Explore Scientific AR127 Refractor Review: Not Recommended OTA
The Explore Scientific AR127 is a good mid-sized achromatic refractor, though it’s nowhere near as versatile as a more expensive ED doublet or triplet on account of its chromatic aberration.

Explore Scientific AR152 Refractor Review: Not Recommended OTA
The Explore Scientific AR152 certainly delivers if you want a big, fast f/ratio achromatic refractor, although why exactly you’d purchase such a thing is a different question given the compromises involved.
Apertura 6″ f/9 Ritchey-Chretien Review: Recommended OTA
Apertura’s 6” Ritchey-Chretien is a nice scope for galaxy imaging, but isn’t ideal for beginners.
Celestron EdgeHD 9.25 Review: Recommended OTA
Celestron’s EdgeHD 9.25 is a great scope for visual astronomy and imaging, albeit at a rather high price and with limited use cases.
Celestron C6 XLT Review: Recommended OTA
Celestron’s C6 XLT is one of the best Schmidt-Cassegrains in Celestron’s lineup and arguably the most versatile. It’s a travel scope, planet killer, astrograph, and works well for deep-sky viewing too.
Celestron EdgeHD 8 Review: Recommended OTA
Celestron’s EdgeHD 8 is an even more versatile telescope than the original C8, with a design great for almost every type of astronomical viewing or imaging.
Explore Scientific ED80 Essentials Review: Partially Recommended
Explore Scientific’s ED80 Essentials Triplet refractor is one of many small apochromatic refractors meant for astrophotographers in a crowded market. However, it’s not exactly the best for a number of unfortunate reasons which would be easy for the manufacturer to fix.
Sky-Watcher Skymax 150 Review: Recommended OTA
Sky-Watcher’s Skymax 150 optical tube is a great scope for planetary imaging or viewing, or as a more general-purpose “grab n’ go” or travel scope - though for the former, some caveats exist.
Sky-Watcher Skymax 127 Review: Partially Recommended OTA
Sky-Watcher’s Skymax 127 is a great “grab n’ go” or travel telescope, though it’s a bit limited compared to a slightly larger aperture offering and has some rather strange design flaws.
Orion StarBlast 62mm Travel Telescope Reviewed: Not Recommended
The Orion StarBlast 62mm Compact Travel Refractor Telescope isn’t particularly well-suited for both imaging or visual applications, though it is capable of both and of course tremendously compact.
Orion 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope Review: Recommended OTA
Those who are interested in having a small, light, and portable planetary setup without having to use a Barlow lens or a long telescope should definitely consider the Orion 180mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Telescope, especially if they are looking for high-quality optics and a small central obstruction.
Celestron RASA 8” Reviewed: Recommended OTA
The Celestron RASA 8” is an excellent astrophotography telescope provided you understand its limitations, use case, and complex design.
Explore Scientific ED127 Essential Reviewed: Recommended OTA
The Explore Scientific ED Essentials 127ED isn’t the best imaging telescope out there but provides excellent views at the eyepiece and is a serviceable, if heavy, astrograph too.
Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED Review: Recommended OTA
The Sky-Watcher Evostar 80ED is an excellent telescope for visual astronomy as well as astrophotography without breaking the bank or requiring a bulky and expensive mount to be used.
Orion ED80 Review: Partially Recommended OTA
A decent ED doublet refractor, the Orion ED80 is great optically but its mediocre mechanics make it a harder sell than some competing instruments, particularly for imaging use.
Celestron C9.25 XLT Reviewed: Highly Recommended!
While certainly a bit of a niche telescope (as with any Schmidt-Cassegrain) the Celestron C9.25 XLT is probably the best SCT on the market and has outstanding optical performance.
Celestron C11 XLT Review: Recommended OTA
The Celestron C11 XLT is a big scope with huge capabilities. However, it’s not for everyone.
Celestron C8 XLT Review: Recommended OTA
While certainly a bit of a niche telescope (as with any Schmidt-Cassegrain) the Celestron C8 XLT is probably the best SCT on the market and has outstanding optical performance.
Orion Apex 127mm Maksutov-Cassegrain Reviewed: Partially Recommended OTA
The Orion Apex 127 Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope is a great choice for astronomers on the go who want a lightweight, portable scope for viewing bright targets, though it doesn’t offer the best value for the money.
Orion 8” f/4 Astrograph Telescope Reviewed: Recommended OTA
The Orion 8” f/4 Newtonian Reflector Astrograph is a decent imaging telescope and provides me great views at the eyepiece as well.
Explore Scientific AR102 Reviewed
The Explore Scientific AR102 is a decent telescope, though as an achromatic refractor it’s limited in utility as well as overall value for the money.